Friday, July 21, 2006

Here are some pictures of our little family.
Top left - Isaac's first trip to the beach on Canada Day (2 months)
Top right - one of Isaac's first smiles (7 weeks)
Bottom - all 3 ready for meeting. Isaac is 2 weeks old.
Hope you enjoy the pictures.
Joel, Jen, Rebekah, David & Isaac


At 8:06 a.m., Blogger Family said...

Joel and Jen
Thanks for the pictures of you dute kids. Also thanks to Rebekah for the poem to Grandma. She would have loved it.
Murray and Deb

At 7:43 p.m., Blogger Family said...


What a cute baby! Not sure who he looks like. Can hardly believe he is that big already.
Rebekah, I loved your poem. Grandma used to write poetry too, so she would be so happy to know that you do too.

Gary and Bonnie


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