Thursday, July 20, 2006

Here's a few pictures to update her 'newborn' photos... Here she is, sound asleep after having her diaper and her clothes changed. She didn't wake up through the whole ordeal!

The day Dad left for the States, we got a photo together. Katja is quite hungry and not wanting to smile at all!! :) Life's rough when you're only 2 weeks old eh? This is our backyard!

Family of three! Surprisingly, we have very few pictures of the 3 of us - but I'm sure we'll get lots in time. Shockingly enough, Katja is sleeping again!! :)


At 7:56 a.m., Blogger Family said...

Liz and Trevor,
Thanks for the reminder of how to publish comments. Great to see you all together with your firstborn.
Murray and Deb


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