Friday, July 21, 2006

Just adding a few pictures here. The "bathing babes" are Marika and her friend Olivia Kember. =) The one of Marika and Shaelyn in the bucket is from our time in Panama in June. The family photo was taken on June 2, 2006 at Tim's brother Mark's wedding.
Hope you enjoy!

Love, Steph


At 7:55 a.m., Blogger Family said...

Steph and Tim,
Thanks for the pictures. You have a couple of cuties.
Murray and Deb

At 7:08 a.m., Blogger Family said...


xo Jil

At 9:38 a.m., Blogger Family said...

Steph, I just LOVE the bathtub picture with Shaelynn's tongue sticking out - what a couple of cutiepies!
Love ya, Liz


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