Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Thanksgiving Day Eramosa River Walk

We took a walk along this river with the Woodford clan before our Thanksgiving dinner.Here we are along the beautiful trail. Marika said 'My feet don't feel like walking.' Later she took a ride on Papa's shoulders.
Shaelyn has the right idea. This is the way to ride.
If you have never been to a sing with the Woodfords, you need to! It sounded like a little bit of Heaven.
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At 7:12 a.m., Blogger Family said...

I didn't say who put these pictures on. I'm sure you can all figure it out.
We spent the day with the extended Woodford family in Cambridge and had a wonderful time; hiking, eating, chatting, singing - making memories.

Lots of love,
Gary and Bonnie

At 5:45 a.m., Blogger Family said...

Sounds and looks like a lovely day. As far as the Woodford singing goes, yeh, I've heard some of them so I can just imagine - awesome as they say!!


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