Sunday, October 08, 2006

Thanksgiving in Medicine, Alberta!

Hi Clark family,
We're in Medicine Hat with Nathan and Megan for thanksgiving, and I thought I'd post a few pictures from our trip. It's been nice to see where they live, to visit their Church and meet some of their friends. We've also been able to do some sight-seeing, which has been great! Joanne's been studying Western Canadian geography in her homeschooling studies recently, so we've all enjoyed seeing some of the sights that she's read about.
This is Joanne at Head-Smashed-In Buffalo Jump, which is a world heritage site. It's an amazing place where the plains people used to drive the buffalo over the edge of the cliffs. It was an awesome sight, and we all learned a lot.

Here's Joanne with Nathan and Megan at the Buffalo Jump. If you look up you can see the herd of Buffalo about to land on them!

Bella loves her Uncle Nathan!

Here's Bella "riding" her first horse! We went to visit Auntie Megan's parents' ranch. Bella thought the horses were just great!

Here's all of us at the ranch.

... and last but not least, here's Austin and I with Bella in a wave pool! Yeah, that's right, we took our baby in a wave pool! What were we thinking?!

We all had a blast though, and Bella actually learned to say "weeee!" although it came out more like "eeeeee!" Don't worry, we were both hanging on tight.

Love, Austin and Rachel, Joanne and Bella


At 2:22 p.m., Blogger Family said...

Wow! Are Nathan, Meghan, and Joanne OK? Most people wouldn't survived being landed on by buffalo. Looks like you all had a great holiday weekend! It'd be nice to hear how everyone else spent their holidays!



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