Sunday, October 29, 2006

Fall Family Fun

Jessie did not like the feel of the leaves, so did not get the best photo of her.

The girls love apples, so it was a treat to go apple picking. They ate a huge whole apple and loved getting out of the stroller to pick a few apples themselves.

We also took the time to choose some pumpkins for our fall decorating when we went to pick apples. Noah and Brea wanted to pick their own, and it had to be perfect.

Noah loved to climb the trees as far up as I would let him. He was a great help and picked 50 % of the 75 pounds of apples that we came home with that day.

Daddy says, "A budding art director: "I want it just a teeny bit smaller, PLEASE!""

It was a perfect day to get the kids photos. It took only 20 shots to get the perfect shot of the four of them.

Brea has changed so much in the past year. So many days we say, "man she looks like Rachel".

Noah loves to play outside. He had been running and playing when I called him to get his photo taken.

These are the girls two year photos. Where has the time gone?????

Hi Family,

Lots of photos to share. I really enjoy seeing the photos of everyones kiddies.
They are growing so big.
It is hard to believe that it is almost December. Soon Christmas preparations will begin.
Our family will be spending the holidays in the Sault this year, so perhaps we will see
some of you. All our news in posted in the Clark Newsletter, but here are some new
photos from our annual Fall Family Photo Session. A hard copy of the kids together
will be arriving on your doorstep in our Chritmas card in 1-2 weeks. Laura loved playing
in the leaves, but Jessie was more unsure. Noah and Brea have grown so much in one year.
We also went apple picking with Rebecca, Hannah and Leah in September. The kids loved
picking apples, the twins loved eating the apples.
Laura and Jessie just turned 2 years old. What fun we had taking their photos. They love to
goof around and it often takes 40-50 pictures to get the right one. But the right one is worth
all the work. Here are our little angels.

Blessings from the The Rodgers Crew

Sunday, October 22, 2006


Hi Family:
Just a quick post to let you know that Grace and I are going full circle and after 33 years away, are moving back to Sault Ste Marie!! Probably most of you know already, but I will be starting a new job at the Group Health Center in mid-November. We are excited about moving back there and being close to family members -- and one day's drive closer to our kids.
Grace is near the end of her schooling and plans to finish that between distance education and possibly some commuting (airlines).
Now for the important things which are's us with our granddaughters. These are recent pictures because Austin, Joanne and Bella were here a couple of weeks ago for Austin's grandmother's funeral (at the end of their Thanksgiving weekend with Nathan and Megan).
Love to all, Graham & Grace.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Katja's surgery

Katja in her big bed before surgery

Gotta love those hospital gowns - open in the back!!

Relaxing with Curious George - at least, trying to get mommy and daddy to relax

After the surgery was over, she had lunch and a good sleep and was even smiling up at the nurses...I think she'll be ok!! :)

Thanks so much for all your prayers,
Love, Trev and Liz

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Thanksgiving Day Eramosa River Walk

We took a walk along this river with the Woodford clan before our Thanksgiving dinner.Here we are along the beautiful trail. Marika said 'My feet don't feel like walking.' Later she took a ride on Papa's shoulders.
Shaelyn has the right idea. This is the way to ride.
If you have never been to a sing with the Woodfords, you need to! It sounded like a little bit of Heaven.
 Posted by Picasa

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Thanksgiving in Medicine, Alberta!

Hi Clark family,
We're in Medicine Hat with Nathan and Megan for thanksgiving, and I thought I'd post a few pictures from our trip. It's been nice to see where they live, to visit their Church and meet some of their friends. We've also been able to do some sight-seeing, which has been great! Joanne's been studying Western Canadian geography in her homeschooling studies recently, so we've all enjoyed seeing some of the sights that she's read about.
This is Joanne at Head-Smashed-In Buffalo Jump, which is a world heritage site. It's an amazing place where the plains people used to drive the buffalo over the edge of the cliffs. It was an awesome sight, and we all learned a lot.

Here's Joanne with Nathan and Megan at the Buffalo Jump. If you look up you can see the herd of Buffalo about to land on them!

Bella loves her Uncle Nathan!

Here's Bella "riding" her first horse! We went to visit Auntie Megan's parents' ranch. Bella thought the horses were just great!

Here's all of us at the ranch.

... and last but not least, here's Austin and I with Bella in a wave pool! Yeah, that's right, we took our baby in a wave pool! What were we thinking?!

We all had a blast though, and Bella actually learned to say "weeee!" although it came out more like "eeeeee!" Don't worry, we were both hanging on tight.

Love, Austin and Rachel, Joanne and Bella

Friday, October 06, 2006

Missed Picture

Hi again - somehow I wasn't able to get both pictures on before it left me. So this is just catching up with the one below.

Have a great day.


Beautiful fall colours

Just thought I would send along these pictures taken on our trip up the north highway this past Wednesday with Dad, Uncle Don, Aunt Alice, and Mary Jane. It was a wonderful day and we had lunch up at Batchawana (at a restaurant, not the beach) and stopped many times for some wonderful sights. Wish you all could have been with us. Guess that would have to be in bus to carry us all!!
Since this is my first time at trying this, I'll stop for now just to see if it works.
Nice to see all the pictures that are being put it. Keep it up.


Monday, October 02, 2006

My girl, again...

Here's my little Sweetie, smiling away after being taken out of meeting for crying...she was claiming you can see, she's ever so upset and hungry! Ya, that's my girl!

Smiling away at Grandma Griffin while visiting their house one night. She sure knows how to charm the pants off anyone she meets!

All for now, loving all the pictures on here!
Liz and Trev

Photos from California

Hi everyone. Thanks for sharing what is going on in your lives. I love seeing the photos.
Here are some of the photos from California. We were pleased to get a decent family
photo, as well as photos of the kids at the beach and and at the attractions. At Disney, they have a bakery
that is called "La Brea". Brea thought it was quite cool, as did I.
I will have more to follow as soon as I download them. I took over 400 photos in 2 weeks.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Open House at Waub Hall

Open House at Waub Hall

Here are a few pictures of open house. The first is the inflatable jumping whatever. The second is Roz doing the face painting and the third is Bonnie along with Bill Bates handing out hotdogs and hamburgs.