Wednesday, July 11, 2007

The Egyptian and Me

Hi! SWEET! I get the first post after the reunion! Right on! Well, a few people asked to see pictures of Tim at the reunion but I didn't have any... so here's a few taken this past weekend. I miss you all dramatically! I had so much fun... I think we should do it more often! What are you all doing next week?
Lots of love, Rosalyn

At our friend's house for a barbeque


At the wedding I had to leave the reunion for (silently weeping)

Our friend did a mini photoshoot for us in this beutiful garden in between the ceremony and reception


At 6:28 a.m., Blogger Family said...

Hi Roz,

I think I've got the key to adding comments again so, thanks for the pictures. They are, you know, "worth a thousand words."
Hope that all is going well with you since the reunion. Hope to be at ABK next week
Uncle Murray


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