Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Picnics and concerts





Hello family,

Here are some pictures of our first winter picnic this year. It's been too cold or Trev has been on call, and so this is our first one of the year! It was a mild day and Katja enjoyed watching Daddy toast marshmellows!

The other two pictures are of the Mercy Me concert that we went to last week. Aaron Shust was one of the bands who opened and was VERY good. The one picture is of us with the two other couples we went with from meeting here, and the second is Mercy Me in their grand finale song when they released all these pieces of paper with Mercy Me written on them. It was a very nice time and also our first leaving Katja with Grandma Griffin. We all managed JUST FINE! :)

Love to you all, Praise God about Bella!

Liz, Trev and Katja
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At 6:25 a.m., Blogger Family said...

Looks like fun! I saw Mercy Me last summer at Canada's Wonderland and it was a great time...sadly we didn't get the little pieces of paper flying around...but we managed...somehow.



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