Thursday, February 22, 2007


I love this picture.... Taken last Saturday as we took her for her first sled ride. It was cold, so she was wrapped up to the nines, but look at the grinning little face under all that. Her eyes say it all! She's sure one happy gal, our Katja!

Toys require MUCH concentration, you know!

Hooray for FOOD! Check out the chunky little arms - makes me want to gobble them up!

Our family of three as we navigate the ice one Friday night. I didn't trust myself on skates with her since it's been so long, so we just posed and then took her back in. Trev played hockey with the guys while I sipped hot chocolate in a warm house instead. :)
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At 9:29 a.m., Blogger Family said...

That first one is just so adorable! Contest type-material! :)



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