Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Hello Family,
Thought I'd put on a few pictures here...
The first one is of Katja in a cute dress Nana and Papa gave her.
2nd is of her in her jolly jumper - she loves it!
3rd is of her asleep in the stroller, after a wonderful walk in the balmy November air - very rare!
4th is of her reaching up to my face, which she's really started doing a lot lately.
and last, I don't remember what it is...whoops.
Hopefully these are all in order as I think they're going to be.

Love to you all,
Trevor and Liz


At 7:27 a.m., Blogger Family said...

There is nothing more adorable than little babies/children so incredibly bundled up in their winter-wear that they can hardly move, and you can hardly tell what they look like. So precious!



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