Thursday, November 30, 2006

Bella's birthday and other fun stuff

Hello again Clark family,
it's been a while! I just thought I'd post a couple of pictures from the last few weeks. The first is a shot of Bella at her birthday party last weekend! We all had so much fun, and Bella was quite the little princess! The next is a picture of Austin and Bella testing the thickness of the ice. Relax Mom, that's as far out as they went, and it was totally solid. For interest sake, if all goes as planned, that will one day be our backyard! We're in the process of applying to purchase or lease some crown land to build a home. The place where we'd like to build is just about forty feet up the hill from where Austin is standing. It's a beautiful spot!
The last photo is one of Joanne, hard at work on her gingerbread house! The picture was taken at the Kenora homeschooling group's Christmas craft day. She had fun and her gingerbread house was delicious!
Well, that's all for now!

Tuesday, November 28, 2006


Yup, of course, they all went on in the wrong order. Starting at the bottom picture is #1 and then just move up the line to get them in order. Now that I see, the last picture (which is actually at the top) is just one we took of her dressed up on Sunday. Nothing special, just lookin cute, as always!
Love Liz

Hello Family,
Thought I'd put on a few pictures here...
The first one is of Katja in a cute dress Nana and Papa gave her.
2nd is of her in her jolly jumper - she loves it!
3rd is of her asleep in the stroller, after a wonderful walk in the balmy November air - very rare!
4th is of her reaching up to my face, which she's really started doing a lot lately.
and last, I don't remember what it is...whoops.
Hopefully these are all in order as I think they're going to be.

Love to you all,
Trevor and Liz

Please update

I just now successfully got my photos downloaded, but forgot to change the date. My new blog is still set for the end of October, so see there to see what is new with the Rodgers Family.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

airport farewell for Julia

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Fall Photos #4

Here's the last of them. Just some fun playing outside!
Love to you all,
Tim, Steph, Marika and Shaelyn Posted by Picasa

Fall Photos #3

The four cousins together in their pj's on our last night in Saskatchewan. (the best out of 400 taken!!) Marika and Shaelyn at our conference at Thanksgiving.

(I'm not sure which rap song Shaelyn is doing here!) =) Posted by Picasa

Fall Photos #2

Here are Liz and Marianne (minus me) playing Settlers of Catan. Highly recommended - lots of fun! Here is the whole crew out for supper for Liz's 26th birthday.
Finishing off the day with a campfire in the back yard. Yummy toasted marshmallows by Trev. Adoring cousins...
(for a moment, before Shaelyn squashes Katja, and Katja kicks Shaelyn with her fibreglass cast!) =)
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Fall Photos #1

Hello dear family,

Here are a couple cuties who dropped in on us at Halloween. A chubby pink bunny, and a fat lady bug!

Here are the start of some pictures from Marianne's and my trip out west to visit Trev, Liz and Katja. Imagine 4 adults, 2 kiddos, 2 babies, 1 large dog and 3 cats in one house. It was quite the excitement!! We had a wonderful time, and were very glad for the chance to go.
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Tuesday, November 07, 2006

A horse of course!

There's not too many people who can pull off 10" ears...but she can!

My little Houdini, she can worm her way out of anything!

Hangin out- tongue and all!

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Dear Family:

I tried to send this to Liz for the newsletter but my email didn't work right and she didn't get it in time so I will post it here:

The fall is going so fast, in fact, it looks like winter here now. We had a few inches of snow on the weekend and it is not melting very quickly. The kids are thrilled to have snow to play in.

The last weekend in September we had a quick trip to the Soo for a visit. This past weekend Mom and Dad came up of the weekend to help celebrate Ben’s 7th birthday, as well as have some work done to their truck. We all had a good time on both weekends.

The boys have settled into school well and seem to enjoy it. Ben has had more breathing troubles this year and our doctor is concerned so we are waiting for an appointment at Sick Kids to see if they have anymore help for him. Please pray for wisdom for the doctors to know what is the best for him.

Love to you all.
Steve, Karen, Ben, Joshua & Sarah

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

My fun weekend

Hello everyone,

No, he's not my boyfriend, so just calm down mother...:) This I know will not be of great excitment to anyone, but I'm pretty excited about it, so I thought I'd share. I'm a very big music fan, and therefore, having friends in the radio business is a plus – last weekend I went with my friend Jen to Aquire The Fire, a big youth conference that travels around North America with different bands, special speakers and what not - a very amazing event. Anyways, Jen and I were there for a special reason - to interview Skillet, one of the leading rock bands in the Christian arena today. At any rate, is was a lot of fun, and attached is an image of me with the lead singer, John Cooper. I don't have any pictures of beautiful children or grandchildren to post, so this will have to do! :) God Bless!