Friday, July 27, 2007

Kyla Mae Woodford

Hello dear Family,

Just wanted to introduce Kyla Mae Woodford, born on July 21st at 540pm. She weighed 8lbs, 8oz and was 19.5 inches long. She says to tell you all she's really looking forward to meeting everyone! =)

Love to you all,
Tim and Steph

Tuesday, July 24, 2007


Hello family,

With Liz' help, I hope to figure out how to post and am trying tp put some pictures of Christian Clark on the blog. We babysat him yesterday for an hour and I snapt a view cute pictures. he is small but cute(perhaps those two things always go together.
If this works, I will keep you updated(daily!! - just kidding.
By the way, congratulations to Step and Tim, Bonnie and Gary and Dad on the safe arrival of the 27th great-grandchild, Kyla May. Christian didn't hold his position as youngest great-grandchild very long.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Agawa Pictographs





We stopped along the way for a break and took a mini-hike to see the pictographs. We loaded up Katja in her carrier and she enjoyed the ride. It was well worth stopping for! Also, we ended up buying a canoe before leaving Ontario and carting it back with us. We are totally packed in!

The picture below on the posting previous is's Katja and Gracia, both crying in earnest! Quite funny for us, not so funny for them. I had to post that one! (we never did get a good one of them together!)
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More July pics





All these pics are from our trip to Ontario and the reunion! What a blast we had.
I can't comment on each picture because it's not showing the actual picture, just computer blurb and so I'm not sure which one's which. Anyway, you can pretty much tell what each picture is about just by looking at it.
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July Pictures




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Wednesday, July 11, 2007

The Egyptian and Me

Hi! SWEET! I get the first post after the reunion! Right on! Well, a few people asked to see pictures of Tim at the reunion but I didn't have any... so here's a few taken this past weekend. I miss you all dramatically! I had so much fun... I think we should do it more often! What are you all doing next week?
Lots of love, Rosalyn

At our friend's house for a barbeque


At the wedding I had to leave the reunion for (silently weeping)

Our friend did a mini photoshoot for us in this beutiful garden in between the ceremony and reception