Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Pray for Bella

Dear Family,

Just an update about Bella. As you know, she's been undergoing HIV tests, and so far so good! We're waiting on the most recent test results, which we expect sometime next week. She's fifteen months old, so we're in the home stretch now. If she tests negative at eighteen months, then she's no longer at risk. So a negative result on this test won't totally rule it out, but it's pretty close. So please keep praying for her health! And we'll let you know when we get the results back.

Austin, Rachel, Joanne and Bella

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Hi Clarks,

Here are a few recent pictures from our family. These are just Bella, because Joanne has her own camera now (which she saved up for and is very excited about!). This means that pictures of her and her activities are mostly on her camera. So once I get some from her I'll post them too! These first pictures are from today when Austin and I took Bella out for a toboggan ride on the river! She loved it! (don't worry Mom, it was totally safe! We were actually walking in a skidoo path)

These shots are of Bella and Austin playing. We're loving the age that she's at right now. She's really playful and her personality it just overflowing! She loves being thrown into the air!

Don't mind the BIG hole in our ceiling.

And another piece of news. We are very proud of Joanne, she is the Wabaseemoong School intermediate spelling bee champion! She worked really hard and we're pretty excited for her!
We hope you're all doing well!
Love, the TSF Family

Thursday, February 22, 2007


I love this picture.... Taken last Saturday as we took her for her first sled ride. It was cold, so she was wrapped up to the nines, but look at the grinning little face under all that. Her eyes say it all! She's sure one happy gal, our Katja!

Toys require MUCH concentration, you know!

Hooray for FOOD! Check out the chunky little arms - makes me want to gobble them up!

Our family of three as we navigate the ice one Friday night. I didn't trust myself on skates with her since it's been so long, so we just posed and then took her back in. Trev played hockey with the guys while I sipped hot chocolate in a warm house instead. :)
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