Monday, October 01, 2007


Hello Family,

I didn't get it together enough to add anything to the newsletter this month - so I figure I better put something up on the blog.

Alexandra started JK at the first of September and is loving it! This is a picture of a very excited Alexandra with her backpack - ready for the big day.

Mackenzie celebrated her 2nd birthday a few weeks ago. It's hard to believe that our baby is already 2!

Shawn & I are keeping busy. The fall season always brings a new round of Missionary parcels to be packed, children's meetings to help out with etc etc. As you likely read in Mom & Dad's newsletter we are planning a cruise in October - to celebrate our 10th anniversary. We are looking forward to getting a rest.

So nice to read the newsletter! Thanks again Liz for all of your hard work!

Shawn, Rhonda, Alexandra & Mackenzie