Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Thank you

Hi family,

On behalf of my tangent of the Clarks, I wanted to express my gratitued to everyone of you yesterday who were aware of our fears of Josiah and Jacob missing down in Tennessee and prayer without ceasing. We are more than grateful that after 6 hours missing they were found, and apparently not too worse for wear.

For those of you who weren't aware, in brief, the two boys set out towards a location they had been the previous day, but became confused in the thick woods they were in. After a while they knew they were lost, but still kept walking. For once, even though we all know you're supposed to stay still, it was their saving grace as hypothermia would have set in quickly had they just stopped. They were found by scent dogs 5 miles away from where they were supposed to be.

We're very thankful that they are safe and sound, but it is still a bit draining emotionally. Thanks once again, and may God bless you and keep you all.


Thursday, January 25, 2007

Picture Update

"Baby" Issac on the move!

Rebekah and David in their fort - in December.

With our love,
Jennifer, Joel, Rebekah, David, & Isaac XOXOXOXOXOXO

Monday, January 08, 2007

Thank goodness for face swapping!


Well I guess the picture feature is working now! It's awesome to see all the families and what they did over the holidays! So I thought I'd post our family's adventure...a photoshoot! It's not as exciting as it sounds - two hours later it was a miracle we still had smiles left! :D Well that's not entirely true, but the picture was way overdue, as the last time we all got together for a formal family picture was over 6 years ago! So...enjoy! - Rosalyn

Saturday, January 06, 2007


I guess it's working, as it let me post a picture with no problems at all...

Let me know if anyone else has any problems, please!


Test picture

Hello family,

This is just a test picture (us at Christmas) to see whether it will post pictures or not. Sorry about all this confusion over the blog site... such is 'change', I suppose!

Love Liz

Friday, January 05, 2007


Hmmm... so how come it won't let me post pictures anymore? The button is there, but there's no link behind it? Did something change when the log-in changed, Liz? Anyone?


Thursday, January 04, 2007

Christmas Fun...

Happy New Year, everyone!!
Just a few pic's of our holiday fun! Marika broke out in chicken pox Dec. 26, so it made things interesting! No sign of any on Shaelyn yet. We're home now, getting things back to normal. In case you hadn't heard, we're expecting baby #3 the end of July.
Love to you all,
Tim, Steph, Marika & Shaelyn

Christmas Pictures

Dear Family

Here are a few pictures from our Christmas. We spent 3 days at Mom & Dad's. We enjoyed getting to know Rachel & Austin's family a little. Here is a picture of Joshua giving Bella a ride in my Dad's little red truck. It was the first year the red truck could be used at Christmas time since there wasn't any snow.

What do Clark's do on Christmas? Play games of course!!

And this is the best sledding we could do - with no snow!! Good for travelling but not so good for playing in!


Steve, Karen, Ben, Joshua & Sarah