Thursday, December 28, 2006

Got it working!

Merry Christmas everyone!
It looks like we've got the site working again. I just sent an email to everyone telling you how to log in now. So, hope you have lots of pictures to put on here of your wonderful Christmas!

Here's one of Katja looking like a little Miss Clause!

Love to you all,
Liz, Trevor and Katja

trouble with this site

Hello family,

For some reason, it's not allowing me to post any pictures, but is asking for a google account and password. Does anyone know why this is happening?
Please let me know if you can or can not post any pictures on this site, as I'd like to know if it's just me.
Thanks, Liz

Saturday, December 23, 2006

December visit from Nana and Papa

Nana and Papa with Katja

Ahoy Matey!!
A sailor in the prairies???

Our little family!

Dad and Liz wrapping gifts - mine were real, but dad was wrapping dog food for a Children's meeting lesson!
At least, I hope it wasn't for me!!

Katja in her exersaucer!

Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas from us prairie folk!
Love, Trevor, Liz and Katja

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Merry Christmas!

Hello everyone!

Here are a few pictures of the girls the last month or so.

Hope everyone is getting ready to enjoy some holidays with family/friends.

We wish each of you a very Merry Christmas!

Love, Tim, Steph, Marika and Shaelyn

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Christmas Program

Here are a few pictures from our Sunday School Christmas program. The kids all did well and we had a few parents/grandparents come to see the program.

Ben played the part of Joseph - he is working as a carpenter here fixing the rocking chair. He then went to sleep and the angel visited him.

Here is Mary and Joseph in the "stable". (Mary is Mischa Parent)

Joshua - in the black & white strips - is Simeon.

Sarah is really enjoying the Christmas season this year.

Merry Christmas to each of you. Love,

Karen, Steve, Ben, Joshua & Sarah

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Super Siblings

RadonicRodgers had a hugemongous Christmas party last week for the industry. Here's a picture of Ross and I doing our best to pretend that we're dancing...after several awkward takes, I think the photographer finally gave up and moved onto somebody else. Is it that obvious that we never do?

Thursday, December 07, 2006

to warm you up...

as it is the coldest day of the year, so far, and I thought a warm picture might be welcome

I have tried many times to describe the joy of swimming with my beloved dolphins and today I received a photo which is worth more than any words...

this is exactly what it is like when they graciously allow you to swim in between them and they literally pull you through the water so that swimming is effortless, they are always keeping an eye on you and you feel surrounded with love

warm thoughts to you all, love Jil