Hi Clark family,
I'd like to ask for prayer for Bella. As some of you know, Bella's birth mother is HIV positive. Miraculously, Bella has tested negative three times. We were told that this was pretty much a guarantee that she would be permanently free of HIV and the confirming test would take place at 18 months.
We had her doctors appointment last Friday. She had to have blood taken to do another HIV test, and Austin asked the doctor what he thought the probability of it showing up at this point might be. We both expected that if he said a 5% chance, that would be high. He said there's about a 25% chance. We were completely floored.
The rest of the day I was a wreck, but I realized immediately that I needed to entrust her to God. As Austin keeps reminding me, she belongs to Him. I've been able to do that for the most part, and I've been able to function. The challenge is the wait; it could be about 8 more days until we find out the results.
Please pray for a negative result.
I know and I've seen the evidence that God has been protecting Bella since the very beginning, and I believe that He will continue. Prayer moves mountains, so please pray for Bella.
While you're at it, please pray for us. It's hearbreaking as parents to go through this, and above all we need the strength and the ability to release her to God. He created her, He loves her, and He can protect her when we can't.
Thanks for your support!
Meegwetch, thank you.
Austin and Rachel.