Wednesday, October 29, 2008

The Griffin Family of Four!

Here is a picture of our famiy of four - Trevor, Liz, Katja and Kiernan! Happy to be together!
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Kiernan James Griffin

Meet our son, Kiernan James Griffin - born October 24th at 10:07am - 9lbs, 8oz and 20.5 inches long...

Sucking his thumb...cute, but hopefully not something he'll continue!

Proud Daddy meeting Son for the first time! My two handsome fellows!

Mommy was sure glad to finally meet baby boy after a night of labour... he's such a sweetie!
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Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Christmas in Ontario - last one!

The three Woodford gals in their matching shirts. Katja, Gracia and Jared all had them too, but we never did get together for a picture! oops!

Jeff, Marianne, Jared and Gracia at the New Years Revolution!

Shaelyn and Katja on the chair watching kids since Sunday school songs on DVD. Katja was captivated!

The two youngest "playing".

That's all folks! Hope you all had a great Christmas and we'd love to see some pictures on here of your family times!
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Christmas in Ontario part 2

All the kids got medical sets for Christmas since they all have one medical person in their family... that was neat. Katja loves to carry hers around in the medical bag. One day we'll use them on the cats I'm sure!
Aunt Heather and Roz were with us for the night-day-night over Christmas, which was fun!

Katja and Shaelyn getting into mischief again! But so cute! I love this picture because it actually looks like they know what they're doing!

Us at the New Years Revolution in Midland! It was a great time and we highly recommend it!
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Christmas in Ontario

Liz and Katja hanging out at Mom and Dads

Katja looking at Papa in between the bars. The dress
matched her eyes perfectly!

Opening stockings Christmas morning!
It was much more fun to have Katja open mine too!

Showing off some new Christmas duds!
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Monday, October 01, 2007


Hello Family,

I didn't get it together enough to add anything to the newsletter this month - so I figure I better put something up on the blog.

Alexandra started JK at the first of September and is loving it! This is a picture of a very excited Alexandra with her backpack - ready for the big day.

Mackenzie celebrated her 2nd birthday a few weeks ago. It's hard to believe that our baby is already 2!

Shawn & I are keeping busy. The fall season always brings a new round of Missionary parcels to be packed, children's meetings to help out with etc etc. As you likely read in Mom & Dad's newsletter we are planning a cruise in October - to celebrate our 10th anniversary. We are looking forward to getting a rest.

So nice to read the newsletter! Thanks again Liz for all of your hard work!

Shawn, Rhonda, Alexandra & Mackenzie

Monday, September 03, 2007





Friday, July 27, 2007

Kyla Mae Woodford

Hello dear Family,

Just wanted to introduce Kyla Mae Woodford, born on July 21st at 540pm. She weighed 8lbs, 8oz and was 19.5 inches long. She says to tell you all she's really looking forward to meeting everyone! =)

Love to you all,
Tim and Steph

Tuesday, July 24, 2007


Hello family,

With Liz' help, I hope to figure out how to post and am trying tp put some pictures of Christian Clark on the blog. We babysat him yesterday for an hour and I snapt a view cute pictures. he is small but cute(perhaps those two things always go together.
If this works, I will keep you updated(daily!! - just kidding.
By the way, congratulations to Step and Tim, Bonnie and Gary and Dad on the safe arrival of the 27th great-grandchild, Kyla May. Christian didn't hold his position as youngest great-grandchild very long.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Agawa Pictographs





We stopped along the way for a break and took a mini-hike to see the pictographs. We loaded up Katja in her carrier and she enjoyed the ride. It was well worth stopping for! Also, we ended up buying a canoe before leaving Ontario and carting it back with us. We are totally packed in!

The picture below on the posting previous is's Katja and Gracia, both crying in earnest! Quite funny for us, not so funny for them. I had to post that one! (we never did get a good one of them together!)
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More July pics





All these pics are from our trip to Ontario and the reunion! What a blast we had.
I can't comment on each picture because it's not showing the actual picture, just computer blurb and so I'm not sure which one's which. Anyway, you can pretty much tell what each picture is about just by looking at it.
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